Hightide Dive Packages & Courses
Dive Packages are Paid in Advance and Non Refundable.
All prices are quoted in US Dollars.
Prices as of Feb 2020 (Valid through to Jan 2022)
Prices are subject to change. Please contact us for an up to date quote.
Dives – Includes All
Equipment:1 Dive. $86
2 Dives. $154
3 Dives. $218
4 Dives. $283
5 Dives. $335
6 Dives. $395
7 Dives. $450
8 Dives. $505
9 Dives. $560
10 Dives. $605
20 Dives. $1,150 -
Dives – Tanks and Weights only (15% Discount):
1 Dive. $73
2 Dives. $131
3 Dives. $186
4 Dives. $241
5 Dives. $285
6 Dives. $336
7 Dives. $383
8 Dives. $429
9 Dives. $476
10 Dives. $514
20 Dives. $978
Night Dives Surcharge (minimum 4 people) – $30 per diver plus package dive
Enriched Air Nitrox Dive – $15 per tank
Night Dive Lights – $15
Log Book (Red) $20
Log Book with Training Record (Blue) $20
Reserve Dive
Padi Courses
PADI SCUBA Diver Course
(2 Days, 2 Dives) $170
– plus 2 package dives & crew pack $70PADI SCUBA Diver Upgrade
(1 Days, 2 Dives) $ 100
– plus 2 package dives & crew pack $70PADI Open Water Course -including all materials
(3 Days, 4 Dives) $255
– plus 4 package dives & crew pack $70PADI Open Water Course Referral -including pool
(2 Days, 4 Dives) $170
– plus 4 package divesPADI Open Water Course Referral
(2 Days, 4 Dives) $170
– plus 4 package divesPADI Open water Course e-learning referral – including pool
(2 Days, 4 Dives) $100
– plus 4 package dives -
PADI Adventure Dive – Single Dive $85
– plus I package dive & manual $50PADI Adventure Diver – including manual
(1 Day, 3 Dives) $85
– plus 3 package dives & manual $50PADI Adventure Diver Upgrade to PADI Advanced Open Water
(1 Day, 2 Dives) $85
– plus 2 package dives & manual $50PADI Advanced Open Water Course – including manual
(2 Days, 5 Dives) $170
– plus 5 package dives & manual $50PADI Rescue Diver Course – including manual (4 Days) $640
PADI Divemaster Course Intro (Materials not included) (8 Days only) $1,280
(4 half days) $500
Speciality Courses
Bubble Maker $100
DSD – Half Day Resort Course $125 – including manual (1 Day) $180
Digital Underwater Photography Specialty
(1 Day, 2 Dives) $115
– plus 2 package dives & manual $30Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty
(1 Day, 2 Dives) $115
– plus 2 package dives & manual $30Enriched Air Nitrox Specialty
(2 Days, 2 Dives) $215
– plus 2 package dives & crew pack $40Night Specialty
(3 Nights, 3 Dives)(Min charge, max 4 divers or $90 per diver) $360
– plus 3 package dives & manual $30 -
Underwater Navigator Specialty (2 Days, 3 Dives) $170
– plus 3 package dives & manual $30Wreck Specialty
(2 Days, 4 Dives) $170
– plus 4 package dives & manual $30Deep Specialty
(2 Days, 4 Dives) $170
– plus 4 package dives & manual $30SCUBA Tune Up/Refresher (Theory & Pool) $30
– plus 1 package diveNight Dives Surcharge
(Min charge, max 4 divers or $30 per diver) $120
– plus 1 package dive
Diving Barbados
Barbados is not only home to beautiful reefs and tropical fish, for after centuries of English colonisation and visits you can find numerous souvenirs left behind by our forefathers. Carlisle Bay, on the border of the south and west coasts is a natural harbour and generations of sailors long ago threw empty rum, whiskey and medicine bottles over board. These antique bottles can be hunted and collected along with cannons, cannon balls and large anchors which are frequently found in Carlisle Bay (the larger items will have to remain underwater).
Of course what would a tropical paradise be without shipwrecks? Again, Carlisle Bay is host to unique wrecks, the Berwyn, Fox and Ctrek along with the Bajan Queen, the Eillon and the bow section of the Cornwallace which was cut off and replaced after she was hit by a torpedo during the Second World War. These wrecks, lying in 25 - 40ft of water are all close enough to visit during the same dive, are host to hundreds of tropicals that will eat from the hands of divers or snorkelers. Rare species such as frog fish, sea horses and batfish are also found at this site. This dive is a macro photographer's dream.
Half a mile to the south lies the Friars Craig, a 165ft freighter in 60 ft of water. Broken in three pieces, the twisted hull of this wreck is great to explore. It's sister ship, the Parmir, lays on the north western coast, also in 60ft of water. She is still intact and adorned with port holes and tropicals of a dozen varieties.
The premier wreck of the Caribbean is the S.S. Stavronikita. She is 365ft long and sits bolt upright in 130ft of water off the west coast. This wreck dive is a must. Cabin, alleyways and the cargo holds beckon you to peek. The enormous masts which come to within 20ft of the surface are coated with sponges, corals and hundreds of fish. This is one dive you cannot miss.
A decompression chamber at the Barbados Defense HQ confirms the care and quality that we all strive for. With the temperatures from 25 - 30 degrees centigrade, visibility from 50 - 100ft and beyond, professional diving instructors and facilities, outstanding coral reefs and unique wrecks, diving in Barbados is just another good reason to make us your first choice for a truly memorable all around holiday.

Contact Us
HIGHTIDE Watersports
Coral Reef Club
St. James, Barbados ~ W.I.