- Maycocks Bay
Large coral reefs separated by corridors of white sand. Rays, Barracuda, Parrot fish, large schools of Bermuda Chub and other tropicals. A fantastic dive site. (int.-adv.)S.S. Stavronikita
365ft of cabins, passenger-ways, mast and fish. Thrills galore. Arguably the Caribbean’s Number One wreck dive. (int.-adv.)Pamir
A relaxed comfortable dive. Enjoyable for all divers – 165 ft long, 60 ft down. Fish, fauna, and fun in one experience. (beg.-adv.)Silver Bank
A healthy coral reef. Beautiful fish, sea fans and the Atlantis Submarine for a diving companion. A memorable Dive. (beg.-adv.)Dottin
A very popular reef. Beautiful corals, hundreds of schooling fish, Barracudas and turtles. A very relaxing and enjoyable dive. (beg.-adv.)Carlisle Bay
Home to five shallow wrecks; the Berwyn, Ctrek, Eillon, Bajan Queen and the Fox. Abundant with tropicals, small groupers and eels. Rare species such as frog fish, bat fish and sea horses. A macro photographer’s dream. (beg.-adv.)Bell Buoy
Large dome shaped reef ranging from 20 to 60ft, huge 8ft brown coral tree forests, gentle sloping corals and friendly schooling fish. Fun for all. (beg.-adv.)Cement Factory
A very unique dive. The pier of our cement factory at first may seem an unusual dive site, but lobsters, sea horses, frog fish, flying gurnards, arrow crabs, scorpion fish and more abound in this marine lovers play pen. (beg.-adv.)Brightledge
As you descend on this incredible reef, you will instantly see the reason for it’s name. Truly one of the most spectacular dives in Barbados. Brightledge is a popular reef for the endangered Hawksbill turtle. Excellent visibility and schools of tropicals make this one of the most popular dive sites in Barbados.(int.-adv.)Greatledge
Forming part of our offshore barrier reef system, Greatledge is aptly named. One of our widest reefs, frequented by schooling Barracuda in the winter months, turtles, jacks, Blue Chromis, and French Angels are all part of the excitement of this dive site. (int.-adv.)Spawnee
Spawnee is a a regular choice as the second of our morning dives. This reef system allows for inexperienced divers to see the fish and fauna most often experienced only on deeper dives. (beg.-adv.)Tropicana
This is a fantastic dive site. Because of it’s profile, Tropicana makes for a great multilevel dive. If you are computer diving. Great visibility, abundant fish life, gorgeous corals, Tropicana is one of my favourite dive sites. (int.-adv.)Whitegates
Also part of our offshore barrier reef system, Whitegates offers a relaxed dive with all the schooling tropicals of a marine aquarium. Also frequented by turtles, barracudas, and jacks, you’ll want to make sure that this dive gets entered into your log books. (int-adv.)Lord Combermere
A small barge sunk in the early 1980’s, she is surrounded by one of our fringing coral reefs. A shallow dive and is excellent for beginners or a refresher dive. (beg.-adv.)Bell Buoy
Depth of reef 35 – 70 feet
Depth of dive 35 – 60 feet
Depth at buoy: 40ft??This reef is almost round and is home to all kinds of small tropical fish such as brown and blue chromis, angle fish and parrot fish. Because of its shallow depth there is almost always an abundance of light making it a great site for photographers. This reef also has a large number of gorgonian trees.
Silver Bank
Depth of reef 45 – 130 feet
Depth of dive 60-70 feet
Depth of buoy: 45ft
Runs from southeast to northwest.This reef is located inside of Clarke’s Reef. On this reef divers may encounter the Atlantis submarine which also visits this site. This reef is also home to many tropical fish like trigger fish, snappers of all types and small groupers. Diving on this reef you may also encounter a few mackerel or even the odd barracuda. The reef is full of coral, sea fans and sponges adding to its beauty.
Fish tend to follow the sub around because of its frequent feedings, or maybe they consider it to be a big friend ! (int.-adv.)
Going southeast, the reef drops to 80+ feet. Look on the southwest side at approximately 100ft for a small (60 ft) wreck (the Lord Willoughby sunk in 1976).
Clarke’s Bank
Depth of reef 50 – 160 feet
Depth of dive 80 feet
Maximum time: 30 minutesThis reef is inhabited by many tropical fish including a large number of yellow tail snappers, creole wrasse and parrot fish to name just a few. This reef is also frequented by the Atlantis submarine which sometimes circles the divers. The reef also has a large number of hard and soft corals adding to the colour and beauty of the reef.
Off Brighton Beach ~ 30’ – 130’ ~ Good dive site, lots of horse-eye, eels & barracudas. Location of the Atlantis Submarine Dives, you may even get to see the Submarine on some dives.
Sharks’ Bank
Depth of reef 60 – 145 feet
Depth of dive 80 – 90Barbados being a coral atoll as opposed to volcanic, this is the closest we have to a coral wall. This is a great deep multilevel dive. (int.-adv.) Called Shark’s Bank because the cruise ships used to dump their garbage here and it attracted sharks. Naturally, they don’t do that anymore so don’t hurt yourself looking for sharks.
Barracuda Reef
Depth of reef 30-90 feetOff Needhams Point ~ Shallow barrier reef, lots of small fish life, cannon balls and antique bottles found on this reef. A drift dive.
Carlisle Bay
25 – 55′These seven wrecks can be visited on the same dive along Carlisle Bay Harbour. A very good first dive for beginners, re-entry divers, photographers and night dives. Lots of tropical fish and marine life like rough box crabs, turtles, flying gurnards, flounders, flamingo tongue snails and golden arrow crabs. Occasional sightings of Frog Fish and Sea Horses. Lots of old anchors and cannons litter the bottom.
25’ ~ 70ft long World War French Tug boat damaged by German U-boat and scuttled by her crew in 1919.CE-Trek
45’ ~ a derelict boat used to haul cement sunk in January 1986 and has attracted lots of marine life.Marion Wolf
30’ ~ wooden fishing boat and the only wreck not intentionally sunk. Went down at its mooring during Hurricane Janet in 1955, All that’s left is the keel.Eillon
55’ ~ An 110ft freighter. The ship was a former Colombian drug boat. It was seized and tied up for 6 years, sunk on the 8th June 1996. The wreck is easily accessible for penetration.Bajan Queen
40’ ~ She was Barbados ’ first tug boat “Pelican” when the Bridgetown Harbor was being constructed in the 1960’s. One decade later, as more modern tugboats were purchased; the Bajan Queen was converted into a “Party Boat” which holds many memories for thousands of Barbadians. She was sunk on 19th May, 2002 . She is already started to become a home to many tropical fish.Cornwallis
15’ ~ A Canadian freighter. This wreck was relocated to this Marine Reserve on 22 October 2000 because it was lying in a high traffic area and was suffering anchor damage.Barge
10’ ~ A Naval Landing Barge found in Carlisle Bay.– – – – – – – – – – –
Bottle Ground
45’ – 100’ ~ This area was anchorage for wooden sailing vessels and the bottom is littered in 18th & 19th century bottles. You get to keep what to can be found here.Friar’s Craig
Depth of reef 30-90 feet
Depth of dive 60ft
Buoy: 30 ft.Off Asta Hotel ~ A 170ft freighter sunk 2nd July 1985 after 10 years at anchor in Carlisle Bay. Lots of bottom growth (in bad visibility, looks like a large fallen over Christmas tree), has broken into three (3) pieces due to a lot of surge. Sister ship to the Pamir.
Wreck sits in 50 ft of water flanked by reef. On the east side of the wreck to the south, the reef (Lobster reef) varies in depth between 30 and 90 ft dropping off sharply. To the north, there is a flatter circle reef.
Asta Reef
This reef is done as a combination dive with Friar’s Craig. Lots of marine life (snappers, barracudas, angel fish & stingrays) as well as lobsters. It’s great for photography.
Diving Barbados
Barbados is not only home to beautiful reefs and tropical fish, for after centuries of English colonization and visits you can find numerous souvenirs left behind by our forefathers. Carlisle Bay, on the border of the south and west coasts is a natural harbour and generations of sailors long ago threw empty rum, whiskey and medicine bottles over board. These antique bottles can be hunted and collected along with cannons, cannon balls and large anchors which are frequently found in Carlisle Bay (the larger items will have to remain underwater).
Of course what would a tropical paradise be without shipwrecks? Again, Carlisle Bay is host to unique wrecks, the Berwyn, Fox and Ctrek along with the Bajan Queen, the Eillon and the bow section of the Cornwallace which was cut off and replaced after she was hit by a torpedo during the Second World War. These wrecks, lying in 25 – 40ft of water are all close enough to visit during the same dive, are host to hundreds of tropicals that will eat from the hands of divers or snorkelers. Rare species such as frog fish, sea horses and batfish are also found at this site. This dive is a macro photographer’s dream.
Half a mile to the south lies the Friars Craig, a 165ft freighter in 60 ft of water. Broken in three pieces, the twisted hull of this wreck is great to explore. It’s sister ship, the Parmir, lays on the north western coast, also in 60ft of water. She is still intact and adorned with port holes and tropicals of a dozen varieties.
The premier wreck of the Caribbean is the S.S. Stavronikita. She is 365ft long and sits bolt upright in 130ft of water off the west coast. This wreck dive is a must. Cabin, alleyways and the cargo holds beckon you to peek. The enormous masts which come to within 20ft of the surface are coated with sponges, corals and hundreds of fish. This is one dive you cannot miss.
A decompression chamber at the Barbados Defense HQ confirms the care and quality that we all strive for. With the temperatures from 25 – 30 degrees centigrade, visibility from 50 – 100ft and beyond, professional diving instructors and facilities, outstanding coral reefs and unique wrecks, diving in Barbados is just another good reason to make us your first choice for a truly memorable all around holiday.

Contact Us
HIGHTIDE Watersports
Coral Reef Club
St. James, Barbados ~ W.I.